Thanks to the evolution of the internet, the t-shirt e-commerce industry is currently witnessing a boom in popularity in Singapore and across the globe. But what exactly is it that makes the online t-shirt business so attractive? Notably, it’s a low budget business idea with high-profit potential. Moreover, it’s also relatively fuss-free to start one – no large amount of materials, no t-shirt printing machine, no warehouse required. All you need is a computer, internet connection and less than SGD $1000 start-up cost.

Of course, to run a successful online t-shirt company, you need to prepared to dedicate some time and effort to the operation. You’d also need to explore different advertising mediums to make your brand and products known to the world. But here’s the good news: as long as you’re willing to put in the hard work, you’ll eventually succeed. As the adage goes, “a dream does not become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work”.

If you’re ready to dip a toe into the online t-shirt business, we’ve gathered some tips for you to get started.

Steps You Can Take to Make that Idea a Reality

1. Find a Niche

The first – and arguably the most critical step – is to find a niche. When you’re just starting out, the chances are that you’ll not be able to go head-to-head with the big players in the business. So be strategic, and focus on a specific part of the market.

A good way to go about this is to conduct market research. Consider the psychographics and demographics of certain market groups, before evaluating your decision.

2. Pick a Reliable T-Shirt Printing Vendor

Running a t-shirt business also means that you need to collaborate with a reliable printing vendor. Do your research, run through portfolios and ensure that your chosen vendor has all it takes to produce high-quality products. After all, it all reflects on your brand’s reputation.

You should also consider sourcing for your vendor in Singapore, as you do not want to be constrained by factors like geographic restrictions – which could potentially disrupt your operation processes.

3. Setting up the Website

Next, find the right hosting provider. If you’re not an IT Pro, you’d need to spend some time understanding the prerequisites when it comes to choosing a web hosting service. But to sum it all up, experts have narrowed down the traits of a good hosting provider to three S’s: Speed, Support and Security.

4. Decide on the Customer Acquisition Strategy

Finally, you’ve to think about how you’re going to attract customers. One short-term strategy is to target potential customers through paid ads on platforms like YouTube, Google, Facebook and Instagram.

For the long haul, you might want to ensure that your website is well-optimised so more folks can find you on search engines.

Now’s Your Time to Shine

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a simple step. The beginning of an entrepreneurship journey is always the most challenging and daunting, but as long as you are consistently giving your all and objectively learning along the way, you will do great!

If you’re still in search of a t-shirt printing vendor to walk the journey with you – Printee is always here to help! Having started out as a home-based business ourselves, we sure know the challenges of running one. But fret not – because when you choose to work with Printee, you can rest easy knowing that we are here with you every step of the way.

Reach out to us to find out how we can work together today!