Why You Need A Class T-Shirt To Call Your Own

In Singapore, one can safely say that class t-shirt is one of the longest-standing school traditions that is unlike anything else. For sure, it is an oldie but a goodie. Whether you are in the midst of primary, secondary or tertiary education, you’d see the need and desire for a class t-shirt at some point.

Today, students don matching t-shirts with enthusiasm for every occasion. Reason being – these t-shirts are way more powerful than you think they are. They help to create a mini-community and enable you to flaunt your love for your fellow ‘comrades’. Moreover, a class t-shirt is unlike any ready-made garment that can be found off-the-shelves. Predominantly, every piece has a narrative to tell.

If your class is still sitting on the fence of getting one, here are some reasons why you should never miss out on this golden opportunity.

1. It fosters a sense of pride and belonging

You love your class, and you want to let the world know where you belong. Guess what? A class t-shirt can establish just that!

Belongingness is the inevitable fundamental of human nature. A class t-shirt has the ability of not only letting every student feel valued but also enables you to experience being a part of something bigger than yourself.

2. Cohesion

A class t-shirt lets you feel more connected as a class. In short, we call that cohesion – which is fantastic, because cohesion has always been an unparalleled strength of the high-performing classes for centuries. Apart from creating cohesion, it instils this sense of commonality to the tribe, turning every ‘I’ into ‘‘us’’.

3. It leaves a lasting impression for others

We all want and love to leave an impression that lasts. As you strut down the classroom corridor with your distinctive class t-shirt in style, others will unconsciously remember who you are and where you are from. This also creates an opportunity for you to get familiar with your fellow schoolmates or even strike a conversation, even if you are from an entirely different class.

4. It enables easy identification

Say you are out on a mass cohort field trip. When everyone is wearing the same set of uniform or PE attire, it can get a little tricky to identify specific individual, especially in overcrowded places. You might even end up losing traces of a classmate who is right in the distance – who knows?

Well, here is where class t-shirt comes into play. It is about time to take a break from your everyday monotonous school uniforms and change into something that reflects the vibrant side of you!

The next time you spot a sea of red, or whatever colour your class has opted for, you know that is where you belong at a glance.

5. It becomes lasting memorabilia

A class t-shirt not only accompanies you through your school days, but it also serves as extraordinary memorabilia when you graduate. It becomes a tangible takeaway from your fondest school-days memories – one that continues to serve its purposes for a lifetime. There’s nothing quite like a class t-shirt because it encapsulates all the ups and downs you have been through in school, the adventures you’ve had with your classmates and the sense of fun that you share with people who played a massive role in your growing years.

To wrap up

If hefty costs are your concerns – fear not. Today, you can effortlessly find a printing company that provides high-quality prints at an affordable price. Moreover, when you order in bulk, the cost per tee is substantially lowered.

All you need is to be discerning when choosing a printing company and be sure to reach out for a quote before you settle for anything!